top of stack

英 [tɒp ɒv stæk] 美 [tɑːp əv stæk]

网络  栈顶; 栈顶部; 栈顶指针



  1. Now, when the "top of the stack" is referred to, that is a conceptual designation.
  2. But what's most important in this picture is at the top of each stack.
  3. If a function is executing, then the stack pointer is pointing to the top of the whole stack, which is also the top of that function's activation record.
  4. From the standpoint of a single thread, a new node is created whose next pointer points to the top of the stack.
  5. A new participant is added to the top of the stack if it is not already on the way& in this case, the stack is cut off to that one.
  6. The top of the stack is almost always "hot" in the cache, whereas the top of the heap is almost always "cold"( because it has likely been a long time since that memory was used).
  7. The top of the stack is stored in result, and you use CAS to update the top location with top-
  8. Consumption: Additionally, the whole purpose of previous work is to have some actors ( including machines) to use it; thus information consumption sits on the top of the stack.
  9. ESP or the top of the stack stores the number of command line arguments supplied to a program, which is1 by default ( for no command line arguments).
  10. The methods listed near the top of the stack trace are prime candidates.
  11. Though we won't be pulling data off the top of the stack as we go back in the history, the model is close enough for our needs.
  12. The list of directories acts like a stack& you push a directory onto the top of the stack, and pop a directory off the top again to get it back.
  13. After a function call, ESP represents the top of the stack.
  14. Notice that if we click back a few times, then click Add, the stack is truncated, and the new event is pushed onto the top of the shortened stack.
  15. At the top of the stack, the underlying technology Web-services engine receives the call.
  16. The address at the top of the stack represents the function that was last called ( that is, the active function).
  17. The I/ O manager creates the IRP and sends it to the top of the stack.
  18. The instruction PULL or PARSE PULL take a string off the top of the stack.
  19. As we click around in the application, new events will be pushed onto the top of the stack, and the pointer will identify the last element added.
  20. Items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the stack.
  21. Trace buffer doesn't save top of stack or contents of memory referenced by registers.
  22. If you get a crash and the top of the active stack contains a GC function, start looking for PInvokes in your code and see if you might be passing buffers that are too small.
  23. A command which removes a word from the top of the stack.
  24. Take a string off the top of the stack.
  25. I can pile nine duck eggs on top of a stack of twelve chessmen.
  26. I fill the shark shape with a medium gray, duplicate the drawing layer and move it to the top of the stack.
  27. Scope also supports nesting, meaning that internally it maintains a stack of instances of type T and exposes the instance at the top of the stack through the Current property.
  28. To add an item to the top of a stack.
  29. In order to detect the profile of holographic photoresist grating mask made on top of chrome stack, rigorous coupled wave theory ( RCWT) was applied to analyze the relationship between zero order reflected spectrum and the profile of grating mask.
  30. The safety of production can be assured by installation of a balance safety valve at the top of the stack over the cupola furnace.